FIDES 2009
People in Kosova, different individuals, including Kosova’s Diaspora, have done so much for the greater good and this was sometimes forgotten. FIQ, through this award, is trying to establish a system to acknowledge and thank those who have dedicated themselves to and given support to the greater good, which in western countries is called philanthropy. Kosova and its people are known for a long tradition of philanthropy and the time has come to give these contributions a name.
FIDES Award symbolizes gratitude for the companies and enterprises that have proved their engagement to invest in the greater good in Kosova. The award and the ceremony aim to promote real partnership and cooperation between the business sector, non-governmental organizations and people.
Categories of the award
Companies and enterprises can apply for competing for the following categories:
FIDES main award for contributing on national level
FIDES Award for contributing in the local community where the company is developing its business
FIDES Award for media contribution