Publikuar: Sht 02, 2020

REQUEST FOR APPLICATION: Endline Study for Community Engagement and Resilience to Violent Extremist Agendas

Forum for Civic Initiatives (FIQ) is a national foundation with a long tradition of community development works to promote philanthropy for sustainable development.  FIQ believes that local communities are the best place for civic activism to be developed and lead from the front in terms of sustaining economic growth, achieving social justice and enhancing the environment for its citizens and communities.

FIQ was founded in 2000 by a small group of driving spirits that saw the need to mobilize citizens in decision-making processes as a consequence of the war in Kosovo 1998-1999. FIQ has since its formation grown from being an organization working with community safety and civic activism to a national foundation working in areas that aim to strengthen the role of citizens, such as Sustainable Development, Grant Giving and promote philanthropy for filling the economic gaps of the Kosovar society.

The purpose of this survey is to assess community engagement and resilience to violent extremist agendas amongst the Population Groups the program intends to affect.  An endline study will be conducted with the aim of gathering information on the state of extremism in the municipality of Kaçanik and offer data for comparison from the baseline study conducted on the beginning of the project three years ago. The endline data and metrics that will be extracted from the study, will help FIQ/FIC to analyse comparative data and impact evaluation of the project.

On this link, you can find Terms of Reference.

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